Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Legs 7/23-7/28

This week is going to be leg week. We will apply our concentration on Core Principles (Pelvic Floors, Pelvis Flattened- Ribs in and Open Upper Back) - to our legs.

Maintaining a stable and centered core will make our leg work more effective.

Notice in this image of Downward Dog (guess what we're doing this week) how the front of this person's pelvis is flat- even "hollowed out"- When bent over your Pelvis- in any position- keep your "pouch/pooch" IN-
Scoop your pooch! Do not let it pop or drop out.
Also notice his? front ribs appear to be buttoned into his chest -not popped out.

New Class in Norton Hill!

Thursdays at 6PM
Route 81 in Norton Hill- In the Carney Center behind the Church.

Also Notice the format change for the Class Schedule- You can click on the link for more details about each class- This format will also allow me to keep you all appraised of any class changes or cancellations (holidays, snow days etc.).

Coming Soon!- New Class in Greenville- March-May Thursday 3PM
Location TBA- Sign up through Greenville School District Continuing Education

Monday, January 14, 2008

Opening Your Upper Back

This week we have been building on last week's workshop of Flattening your Pelvis. The basic idea is that we flatten, scoop etc. on the exhale, THEN MAINTAIN- for the inhale. This is very tough as we have a tendency to want to breathe into our bellies. Think of expanding through your upper back- it also helps to think of the "path" the air takes on your inhale. Inhale directly into the back of your head, wide into your upperback.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Flattening the front of your Pelvis

This week we are working on flattening through the front of your pelvis. We did some work on this back in September (see "Scooping"). I think we are going to do a second week of this, as it is important.
Other cues besides "flattening from three to nine" are;
"pulling back your ovaries"
"feeling the smile from three to nine"
"scooping out your intestines" and
"hollowing out your pelvis"

1. lift your pelvic floors
2. draw back the smile (hollow, scoop, etc.)
3. exhale
4. move

Notice "move" is last. Please, please, please, the goal is not a huge range of motion- the activation of the front of your pelvis is so much more important. Smaller - read less difficult- range of motion enables you to place more concentration on your pelvis.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

OK OK I know- I have been remiss in my blogging duties- Anyway Happy New Year Everyone! The last few months have been crazy- For the month of December, we were working on "torso lengthening."

This has to do with "being long torso to ribs" (the box from 3 and 9 up to your ribs)- without shortening the "ear to shoulder distance."
I have been really pleased with how this has improved everyone's rolling through their lower backs- Keep up the good work!

I have also been really pleased with the change we have made to Saws- Everyone is drawing in their organs much better- We will be continuing this "scooping" or "hollowing" by concentrating on the pullback accross 3, 6 and 9- the triangle that some people call the "powerhouse"