Saturday, March 1, 2008


Hey Everyone! I have been slacking again on posts!
We are in the middle of LEG week- there may be an old post about it... yup just checked- LEGS
Anyway, the big difference for this round of legs, is that we will be doing the single leg stretch differently. We will be getting into the position as if we were doing a lunge hug on the floor.

The missed post from last week was OBLIQUES- no new post, check out the old oblique post for some interesting (somewhat technical) links to Oblique images.

In Greenville and at the Co-op in Albany!
I was thinking that breathing is a really good place for new people to start with Pilates. For the rest of you, breathing is a good review. We will be working a little with pelvic floors, breathing, and doing both of these things while doing some basic rollups, 100's and flights-
stay tuned...


Anonymous said...


You are a great pilates instructor! Thanks for being so patient with us.


Brian said...

You guys are great- Hopefully your legs aren't too sore from the other day- My sister just swore at me for how sore her legs were last week.